Muslim-all mailing list Organizing Rules

Section 1 : Definition

“Muslim-all” is a mailing list established by Fukuoka Masjid for all Muslims who are currently staying–or were previously staying– in Fukuoka City.

Section 2 : Goals

“Muslim-all” mailing list has three primary goals:

  1. Encourage the collaboration and thought exchange, for matters that are important for Fukuoka Masjid, members of the mailing lists, and their daily lives or any other matters. By doing so each one can actively participate in elevating Islam and the status of our community. ( e. g. exchange information, asking help … etc).
  2. Announce the activities and the events managed by Fukuoka Masjid.
  3. Strengthen our brotherhood by social communications between Muslims ( exchange condolences, congratulations … etc). Continue reading