MSAJ Tajweed Teaching Programs (TTP)

The Noble Quran is the literal words of Allah that contains regulations and recommendations about all aspects of life and references to the Hereafter. Being so important, the Quran must be read, written, and recited correctly and clearly, so as not to create any sort of ambiguity or misunderstanding whatsoever.

MSAJ organizes online Tajweed Teaching Programs (TTP) for Arabian and non-Arabian (brothers and sisters).
The aim for TTP is to recite the Quran according to the way of the Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allah exalt his mention ) who received it from Jibreel and make you proficient in reciting the Quran, observing the correct pronunciation of every letter with the rulings and characteristics which apply to it, without any exaggeration or deficiency. Continue reading

Goal of Fasting

Fasting is worship and it draws us closer to Allah. Allah has prescribed it to purify our soul so that we are trained in good deeds and self-scrutiny. Hence, fasting means a temporary vacation from various forms of worldly enjoyment, including eating, drinking, sexual desires, shameless gazing, haram income, activities and places. By self-scrutiny we learn to be conscious of our every act because we consciously avoid all that may negate our fast. This attribute is contained in the goal of fasting for Allah says, “… that you may (learn) self-restraint.” (Qur’an 2 verse 183) Continue reading